
Meshblu HTTP Streaming Hostname change

Due to some limitations of streaming chunked data, and keeping long-lived idle connections, to the client, we have set up a dedicated host for streaming Meshblu messages over http.


We will permanently redirect all requests sent to https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe* to the new host.


This is a streaming API that returns device/node messages as they are sent and received. Meshblu doesn't close the stream.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

Subscribe by type

You can limit the types of messages you subscribe to by using the types parameter.

Valid types include:

  • broadcast - broadcast messages sent by the device
  • received - messages received by the device
  • sent - messages sent by the device

Default is all types.

Specify multiple types options in your url to subscribe to multiple types.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe?types=sent&types=received --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

Filter by topic

You can limit the topics of the messages you are subscribed to by using the topics parameter.

Topics support:

  • string: e.g. device-status
  • wildcard: e.g. *device*

You may also omit topics by prepending a - on the topic you wish to skip. e.g. -device-status

Specify multiple topics options in your url to filter (or omit) multiple topics.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe?topics=device*&topics=-*-status* --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"


This is a streaming API that returns device/node messages as they are sent and received. Meshblu doesn't close the stream. This will stream messages from the uuid you've specified.



The uuid/token you're authenticating with must have permissions to view messages from the subscribed uuid, either as the owner or in the receiveWhitelist. You may also use the token as a query parameter.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe/ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

Subscribe with token

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe/ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b?token=0a17660ff1a8d374f1a9ba17cb1b2aac4bbb25ea
 --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"


Subscribe to only broadcast messages sent by the subscribed device.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe/ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b/broadcast --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"




Subscribe to only messages received by the subscribed device.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe/ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b/received --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"




Subscribe to messages sent by the subscribed device.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/subscribe/ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b/sent --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"


  "fromUUid": "ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b",
  "devices": ["ddd98900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b"],