

This API has been removed


Stores sensor data for a particular UUID. You can pass any key/value pairs.

curl -X POST -d "wind=12&temperature=78" https://meshblu.octoblu.com/data/0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"


Payload: key=value&key2=value2 (i.e. temperature=78&humity=30)



Returns last 10 data updates related to a specific device or node
Optional query parameters include: start (time to start from), finish (time to end), limit (overrides the default 10 updates)


You can make this API stream sensor data by adding stream=true to the querystring. Notice the comma at the end of the response. Meshblu doesn't close the stream.

curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/data/0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"
curl -L -X GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/data/0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc?stream=true --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"
curl -L -X GET --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}" "https://meshblu.octoblu.com/data/0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc?start=2013-08-06T20:50:21.818Z&finish=2013-08-06T20:60:21.818Z"